For those of you who haven't gotten your act together and switched your subscription to my new site:
Get a Grip, Read my Lips, or rather my posts...:
Go to and do what it takes (rrs-feed or enter your e-mail in the white box below "subscribe").
New posts are Peak Performance and An Old Panama Hat
(Cefalu text published anew by mistake due to temporary (I hope:-) brain overload).
Now, after having done the above, get out of here, off the net and out to play, live your life!
Yours truly,
Welcome to my world...
In my experience there are two main types of people: The ones who freely share what they have and know with others, and… the other kind. Friends, family, colleagues, teachers, bloggers, researchers, scientists, writers and other generous people “share” insights, thoughts, ideas with me and other people. I hope, in a small way, to be able to convey some of this to potential readers of my blog. In addition, I will occasionally share with you glimpses of my life, travels, readings, thoughts, ideas etc. Usually in a very unceremonious wrapping:-)
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