Welcome to my world...

In my experience there are two main types of people: The ones who freely share what they have and know with others, and… the other kind. Friends, family, colleagues, teachers, bloggers, researchers, scientists, writers and other generous people “share” insights, thoughts, ideas with me and other people. I hope, in a small way, to be able to convey some of this to potential readers of my blog. In addition, I will occasionally share with you glimpses of my life, travels, readings, thoughts, ideas etc. Usually in a very unceremonious wrapping:-)

lørdag 30. juni 2012

Multitasking, lets beat it!

Happy Orange

If having breakfast, answering the call of nature, breastfeeding, washing the floor, taking a shower, baking bread, acting as diplomat and referee between siblings, planning and cooking dinner, counseling over the phone and jogging, all (well, not far from it) at the same time isn’t a dire case of multitasking, I don’t know what is.

That was years ago, it’s not at all like that now. For one thing I have stopped breastfeeding as the youngest one is now seventeen and hasn’t really been in to it for some time. As for the other stuff, some of it is still on the agenda, along with a lot of other things. However, due to the arrival of and increasing dependence on electronic work- and communication devices, I have taken the art of multitasking to a whole new level of exhausting, wuthering heights!

Happy Feet with Orange
For someone who practices yoga and meditation in a (so far futile) effort to obtain inner tranquility, it is amazing to what incredibly stupid lengths I can go in order to squeeze as many activities as possible into one day. Even though research shows that multitasking makes you more stressed and less efficient, l continue to preach water (mindful thinking and living) and drink wine (measure my own value as a human being in terms of my accomplishments).

The other day, though, I had a wakeup call.

It hadn’t exactly been a bad day. I mean I had not been run over by a car, I hadn’t fallen head first down any flight of stairs, I hadn’t been mugged, the house hadn’t burned down, none of the kids had been arrested...

Read more The Dying Art Of Multitasking

tirsdag 26. juni 2012

An All Time High

The snow is deeper
The climb steeper
Than you ever foresaw
And making it
To the peak
Or anywhere near
Is no matter of course

And then
Out of the blue...

To read and see more...An All Time High

søndag 17. juni 2012

Of a Sound Mind

So, now it’s official: She is off her hinges, irrevocably deranged, mentally unsound. Bu that’s where you are so wrong. Crazy, yes, can’t run away from that one, but unsound, no. I am so full of sound, saturated with it so to speak, that I wouldn’t have believed it possible if I hadn’t actually been there...

...lying on a monochord, for about twenty minutes actually being an integrated part of an instrument with fifty strings attached lengthwise beneath a wooden resonance chamber. On the floor are metal bowls of different sizes, along with a couple of padded mallets. I close my eyes, and softly, ever so softly the Sound Therapist or, as he prefers to describe himself, the Listener, squatting on the floor, start plucking the strings, occasionally gently striking a singing bowl. The sensation is vaguely strange, unfamiliar, but pleasant.

The sounds come and go in waves, swelling, decreasing; one minute subtle, creating the most miniscule sensations within me, the next forceful, heavy tones reverberate through my body and the rest of the room.

The vibrations swirl through me, my cells now resonating with the instrument. I find myself relaxing, my mind drifting. It feels as if the composition of atoms that is me, disintegrates; every particle lifting off, like a flock of butterflies off a bush. They linger for a while, float in synchronized unison about the room, and then, as on a cue, sweep out through the open window...

Read more... Of a Sound Mind

fredag 8. juni 2012

Ups and Downs = Rock and Roll

if there are no ups and downs in your lifeLet’s get our act together
Break free from every tether
Be our own chief         
Life is so brief

Let’s take a bow
For here and now
And make the most
Of every toast

Ignore some rules
Behave like fools
Smile like a loon
Under the moon

Dare take a chance
Create our “dance”
Climb up a tree
feel we are free...

onsdag 6. juni 2012

Go-Nuts Tart ...with berries

Here is, on request, a gluten-, sugar-, dairy-free tart. Like most recipes on this page it is only a suggestion, leaving room for your own creativity and preferences. The only problem with this cake is that, even though it is supposed to last for several days in the fridge, it very rarely makes it through more than an hour. It is very rich, but you still keep nibbling till you swear on your live mother’s grave that you will not eat anything for the next 24 hours. And then, five minutes later, you find yourself half through another piece.

Just like in life, you can’t stop nibbling. And just like in life, you may stick to the same ingredients, the same procedures, playing it safe, killing yourself softly with boredom.  Choosing alternative ingredients, stirring things (up) in a different way, makes for new flavors and exciting experiences, adding to your repertoire and your Joix de vivre.