Happy Orange |
If having breakfast, answering the call of nature,
breastfeeding, washing the floor, taking a shower, baking bread, acting as
diplomat and referee between siblings, planning and cooking dinner, counseling
over the phone and jogging, all (well, not far from it) at the same time isn’t
a dire case of multitasking, I don’t know what is.
That was years ago, it’s not at all like that now. For one
thing I have stopped breastfeeding as the youngest one is now seventeen and
hasn’t really been in to it for some time. As for the other stuff, some of it
is still on the agenda, along with a lot of other things. However, due to the
arrival of and increasing dependence on electronic work- and communication
devices, I have taken the art of multitasking to a whole new level of exhausting, wuthering heights!
Happy Feet with Orange |
The other day, though, I had a wakeup call.
It hadn’t exactly been a bad day. I mean I had not been run
over by a car, I hadn’t fallen head first down any flight of stairs, I hadn’t
been mugged, the house hadn’t burned down, none of the kids had been
Read more The Dying Art Of Multitasking
Read more The Dying Art Of Multitasking