Welcome to my world...

In my experience there are two main types of people: The ones who freely share what they have and know with others, and… the other kind. Friends, family, colleagues, teachers, bloggers, researchers, scientists, writers and other generous people “share” insights, thoughts, ideas with me and other people. I hope, in a small way, to be able to convey some of this to potential readers of my blog. In addition, I will occasionally share with you glimpses of my life, travels, readings, thoughts, ideas etc. Usually in a very unceremonious wrapping:-)

fredag 9. desember 2011


Today I had a plan. Or a to-do-list. I often make lists. Usually, just before I go to bed I jot down things that reealy need to be done and things I’d like to have accomplished, but don’t grow stale if they wait another day. More often than not, therefore, the list comprises things that didn’t get done the previous day. It is strange, though, how things work, or don’t work out.
 Some days I have lists stretching from now to eternity, and I know I have a snowball in Hell’s chance of having it all dealt with by the end of the day. And then, miraculously, everything gets ticked off, one by one. People in public offices pick up their phone after one ring. That special item I need to get hold of, preferably before yesterday, is in stock, at the first store I call. The presumed complicated, and therefore dreaded, text I need to finish just pop out of my head and hits the paper before I even have time to think. And before I am able stop, I am already well into a new one. The challenging meeting scheduled to last two hours, covers its agenda in 30 minutes. The always reoccurring dilemma, what to have for dinner-riddle, solves itself when I craftily disguise yesterday’s leftovers with a garnish of vegetables, garlic, red pepper and ginger. A scam that also saves me a shopping trip! And then, voila, everything is done, ship shape, dealt with.
And then, there are the other days. Like the one today. The list did not look too frightening, nothing particularly complicated, nothing untoward. Should be like a piece of the sugarfree, but delicious raspberry cake I made the other day, a day like the ones described above. And from then on, everything went wrong, downhill, down the drain, not according to my precious plan:

To read more, go to


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